Huntridge Apartments
What are the Huntridge Apartments?
Huntridge Apartments is a 24-unit affordable housing community which has a certain number of units set aside for lower income households.
Total Number of Units
Size of Units
Two 1-bedroom units.
Nineteen 2-bedroom units.
Four 3-bedroom units.
Rent or Own
Rentals only.
Rent is based on household income.
How Do I Apply?
Complete the attached application and turn into the office located at 622 Kane Creek Blvd, Moab, Utah 84532.
Current Availability
Number of People on Waitlist
Housing Choice Vouchers
Does not accept Housing Choice Vouchers.
Residency Restrictions
Income Restrictions or Requirements
Yes, and income restrictions vary by household size.
Credit Score
Must pass a credit check.
Age Requirements or Restrictions
Other Restrictions
No pets. Must pass a background check; no misdemeanors within the past year and no felonies in the last 5.
Application Process
Complete the attached application and turn into the office located at 622 Kane Creek Blvd, Moab, Utah 84532.
Applicant(s) will be notified in writing within 10 days of receipt of application as to the status of their application. If no unit is available at the time of acceptance, application name will be placed on the waiting list.
Contact Info
Site Manager: Amara Preston
622 Kane Creek Blvd, Moab, Utah 84532