The data displayed below comes from the first annual Moab area housing survey in 2024. Given the severity and pace of the housing crisis in Grand County, the Moab Area Housing Task Force (MAHTF) has undertaken an annual survey to supplement the data available from the American Community Survey (US Census), which does not accurately gather data in communities as small as Grand County on an annual basis, especially regarding specific groups such as renters, seasonal employees, and vehicle dwellers.
The 2024 survey was live for 6 weeks in June and July and was housed on grandcountyconnects.com, the county's citizen communication website. Paper copies were also available at the library, free health clinic, Seekhaven, and Moab Valley Multicultural Center, and available in English and Spanish. The MAHTF committee tabled at community events, flyered, utilized social media, partnered with community-serving non-profits, asked employers to circulate the survey to their employees, and put ads in the newspaper to raise awareness of the survey.
The 2024 survey consisted of 22 questions, designed to evaluate the housing burden (percent of income spent on housing) for both renters and homeowners, as well as to better understand the experience of the housing crisis for specific groups, revealing realities that are missed by census data.
There were 505 responses to the 2024 survey, which equates to roughly 5% of the population of Grand County and 10% of Moab City. Although this by no means constitutes a full picture of the County’s population, it is a significant enough percentage to draw some conclusions about the experience of the housing crisis.
This data is used to track the goals of the Moab Area Affordable Housing Plan (MAAHP) prepared by the Moab Area Housing Task Force and adopted by the Moab City Council and Grand County Commission. By gathering additional housing data, the survey may point to gaps in the County’s current housing strategy and lead to establishing future policy solutions. Data from the housing survey can also be used to justify the expenditure of City and County funds to address housing-related issues, and can be employed to secure state and national funding for governmental entities and local non-profit organizations.
The Moab Area Housing Task Force will undertake a housing survey each year and continuously update the housing indicator data as well as action steps taken toward fulfilling the Housing Plan goals. In future years, the survey questions will be refined to gather gaps in area-wide data. Over time, we hope the data derived from these surveys will improve and that information gleaned will increase in accuracy. The more Grand County residents take the survey, the more accurate our data will be. Look out for the 2025 survey in June!
The Moab Area Housing Task Force (MAHTF) is a voluntary body of community members that lobbies for fair housing opportunities for every resident of the Moab area. MAHTF has an agreement with Moab City and Grand County to create a housing plan. MAHTF has been taking steps to enact the action steps laid out in the 2023 Moab Area Affordable Housing Plan and seeks continued partnerships with Moab City and Grand County. Read more Here.