HEAT and Weatherization Programs
What is HEAT?
The HEAT Program provides year-round energy and water assistance as well as energy and water-related crisis assistance for eligible low income households throughout Utah.
Eligibility Requirements
The total household income is at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level.
The household is responsible for paying home energy costs.
The household contains at least one US citizen or qualified non-citizen (see pages 6-7 of the HEAT Policy Manual.)
How Do I Apply?
Apply online if eligible.
Print a HEAT application and send it to Southeastern Utah ALG HEAT Program PO Box 1106 Price, UT 84501.
Call the HEAT Program line at 1-866-205-4357.
If you need assistance applying online or emailing your HEAT application, please contact your local HEAT agency for help.
If you are in danger of shut-off, you may contact your local HEAT office for crisis assistance.
Required Forms - HEAT
Required Forms - Weatherization
Necessary Documentation (both programs)
Government issued picture ID
Social Security cards for you and EVERYONE living in your household
A copy of your power, heat and water bills
Proof of ALL income received by all household members in the month prior to the month of your application
Proof of any eligible medical expenses, child support and alimony you paid in the month prior to the month of your application
Proof of disability, if applicable
Proof of birthdate for a child age six (6) or under
Additional documentation, if required
What is Weatherization?
Weatherization is a year-round program for eligible applicants that can cut energy costs and make homes more comfortable to live in by improving energy efficiency upgrades.
This may include:
Attic Insulation
Wall Insulation
Air Sealing
Repair or Replace Damaged Heating Systems
Evaluate to Replace Windows
Installing Ventilations Fans to meet ASHRAE Standard
Contact Info
Southeastern Utah ALG HEAT Program
PO Box 1106
Price, UT 84501
Phone: 435-613-0100
Fax: 435-637-6551
Email: heat@seualg.utah.gov